Key West is a tiny island with a big heart.
Officiant Service
Simple Key West Wedding
Sample your Vows You can view a copy of the vows I traditionally use at Feel free to change or customize them, I just ask that you let me know at least 2 weeks prior to your ceremony so I may familiarize myself with your wishes.
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Customized Souvenir Marriage or Vow Renewal Certificate. |
Our signing ceremony follows the wedding ceremony. This is the perfect way to create a lifetime memory of the signature that will solemize your vows. Your witnesses (2) are also invited to sit and sign the Florida marriage license as well as the parchment Marriage Certificate which is presented to the bride and groom. Composition includes solid wood table, padded cloth french chair, Ostrich or Peacock feather quill pen for signing, Conch Concierge Marriage Certificate suitable for framing. |